Visiting the Food Bank

Who Can Pick Up Food?

Anyone over the age of 18 who lives in the Kettle Falls area. We serve Evans, Marcus, Daisy, Rice, Barstow and Kettle Falls.

Colville, Orient & Northport clients are referred to their local food bank.

What Are the Requirements?

New clients must come in to the food bank and fill out some basic paperwork.

What Types of Food Are Available?

We provide dry goods, dairy, fresh produce when available and meat. Most of our items are received from the local grocery stores. Fresh produce is donated by local farmers and gardeners.

How Much Food Can Be Picked Up?  

We are an emergency food bank and provide at least three days’ worth of food.

How Often Can Food Be Picked Up? 

Clients can come in once month, if they run out before that they can come in once more for basic staple items.

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